“But I’ve grown
sunflowers and hibiscus
on salted wounds
to grow sunshine, stardust, and gold
in the cracks
I water MYSELF now”
Writing as home. Writing as breath.
I was writing since before I could ever spell a word, or put pen to paper. I would make up stories telling Mami and Titi while the arroz cooked and the sancocho simmered on the stove.
I spent afternoons
as a kid
playing by myself
talking the day a w a y
in Titi’s living room
or at the foot of her bed
her legs bent in odd shapes
that felt like home
I was writing as a teenager
about rape and the many
ways my body felt
attempting to reclaim
my body back
attempting to find
my reasons
my breath
Writing was always my way out, my way in, my way home, my way to finding myself. Whenever I am feeling off track, whenever I feel a little lost.
It’s the page that saves me.